Real Estate

Real Estate

Everything You Need To Know About 55 Over Communities

10 June 2020
Real Estate, Blog

To say that Sun City, the first active adult community in the country, was a success when it opened in 1960 would be an understatement. Over 100,000 people toured the complex in the first three days. In the 60 years since, things have only gotten bigger and better in the 55 and over world.  Do you really need to be 55 to live in an adult community? Yes, and no. In order to live in an adult community, you need to be at least 55 or, for a couple, at least one person needs to be 55.
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Tips On Finding A Larger Apartment That’s Right For You

9 June 2020
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

When you are apartment hunting a lot of things will go into picking the right apartment for you. Two of the biggest items on the list are usually how much can you afford, and how big is the apartment. For a family or those with a couple of roommates, you are most likely looking for a larger apartment, for example, one with three bedrooms and one bathroom. How do you find the right larger apartment that fits your needs?
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The Many Benefits Of Buying An Empty Lot

8 June 2020
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

You need a new home. Your first thought may be to look for an already built home and move right in. But there is another alternative. You could instead look for land for sale, purchase that land, and then have a home built. This option has some advantages you may not have thought of before. 1. You can decide how far from the road you want your home to be.
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Thinking About Investing In A Cabin? 3 Things To Look For

5 June 2020
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

If you like the outdoors but dislike camping, you might be thinking about purchasing a cabin to use during the prettier parts of the year. However, when you shop for a cabin, it can be tricky to know what to look for, since there are all kinds of variables you don't typically experience in modern homes. Here are a few things to look for when you shop for a vacation cabin for purchase.
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3 Ways Luxury Homes Are Just A Little Different

4 June 2020
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Whether you are thinking about building a luxury home from the ground up or buying a property that already exists, it is essential to realize that luxury property might be a little different from what you might find otherwise on the market. Luxury properties are typically composed of custom homes, which means the owner worked with the architect and builder to make tweaks designed for the space. Here are three ways luxury homes are just a little different from other houses, and how you can adjust the area for your needs.
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About Me
Getting Real About Real Estate

Buying any piece of real estate is a big undertaking. You need to do your research and know exactly what you're getting into. You also need to hire an attorney, have the place inspected, work with a lender, and collaborate with your real estate agent. When it comes to such a big undertaking like this, it is really important to know what you're doing. So even if you are not planning to buy for a year or two, it is not too late to start learning. Browse the articles on this website to get started, and you'll watch your own knowledge grow.
