Tips On Finding A Larger Apartment That's Right For You

Tips On Finding A Larger Apartment That's Right For You

Tips On Finding A Larger Apartment That's Right For You

9 June 2020
Real Estate, Blog

When you are apartment hunting a lot of things will go into picking the right apartment for you. Two of the biggest items on the list are usually how much can you afford, and how big is the apartment. For a family or those with a couple of roommates, you are most likely looking for a larger apartment, for example, one with three bedrooms and one bathroom.

How do you find the right larger apartment that fits your needs? Here are a few tips that can help.

Ask Friends And Co-Workers For Leads

One of the best resources you have when trying to look for a larger apartment is to ask your friends and co-workers for any leads. In many cases, there will be a few renters among them and the buildings they live in will vary. You could ask around to see if there are any three bedroom and two bathroom apartments in their building, or if they even have two bathrooms as some do.

It's possible that if there are any apartments in their building they can help by putting in a good word for you with the landlord. They could even introduce you. This can definitely help and potentially give you the edge in getting the apartment if you should like it.

It's a good idea to have everyone who will be living there to take the tour with you to make sure everyone is happy with it.

Test The Utilities While On Tour

Most apartment hunters don't test out the utilities in apartments. They typically take the landlord's word for it that everything is in working order. Instead, test out the utilities in the apartment yourself. This means, turn on the taps in the kitchen and bathroom and see how the hot the water gets as well as how cold. Check to see if the temperature changes quickly or stays a steady temperature. and if there is enough water pressure in the shower.

Check to see if all the lights turn on, and also see that the fridge and stove work as well. Also, ensure that the power is evenly distributed throughout the unit. This means the water won't have less pressure when someone is taking a shower or washing dishes at the same time, and that lights don't flicker if you are vacuuming. Some larger apartments especially three bedrooms and one bathroom ones might have this issue as apartments are only allotted so much utility energy to each unit due to how they are wired.

Do They Take Pets?

If you or any of your roommates or family have pets such as a cat or dog, you need to find out if they are dog or cat friendly. There are a lot of apartment buildings that do not accept any kind of animal in the building at all. Others will require a flat fee to have a dog or cat, and then there are some that only accept certain breeds of dogs.

It's a good idea to ask if they take pets and what types of pets they accept before taking a tour. If they do take pets, find out if they take certain breeds of dogs as well.

Want to get started with a larger apartment? Try looking for three bedroom, one bath apartments near you.

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