Real Estate

Real Estate

Busting Mistaken Assumptions About Real Estate Agents

21 May 2020
Real Estate, Blog

If you buy a home or sell a home, it is highly likely that you will work with a real estate agent for help. These upstanding professionals are invaluable, but they can get an unfair reputation due to common misconceptions. Here is a look at a few wrong assumptions about real estate agents as professionals in the industry. Assumption: Real estate agents don't really have any formal education. You would be hard-pressed to find an agent that did not have formal education in real estate or without a college degree pertaining to the real estate field.
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Your Real Estate Agent Needs To Know: Communication Is Important

18 May 2020
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

When it comes to the home buying process, it's important to get well acquainted with your real estate agent. As your go-between between the seller, the lender, and yourself, excellent communication goes a long way. To keep stress levels low and make the home buying process easier, learn more about communicating with your agent. Interview Agents When it comes to the purchase of a home, you don't just have to choose the house you want.
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Meeting With A Buyer’s Real Estate Agent? Tips For A Productive Experience

18 May 2020
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Your first meeting with a real estate agent is an exciting one. During this appointment, you and your agent will settle on the major things you're looking for in a home, set a budget, and talk about the buying strategies you'll use going forward. Here are some tips to follow to ensure this meeting is a productive one. 1. Think about what you want and need ahead of time. Your real estate agent is going to ask you questions about how many bedrooms you want and how important a fenced yard is to you.
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What Features Do Single-Family Homes Offer?

15 May 2020
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Are you financially prepared to buy a house but not completely sure what type to buy? If so, you should consider buying a single-family home. This type is not the only option you have, but it is one of the best choices. To understand what a single-family house is, you should know the top features these homes offer. Here are the main features you will find in a single-family house that sets it apart from other home structures.
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What To Do When Your Home Is Not Selling

14 May 2020
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Have you had your home on the market for some time and not gotten an offer on it from an interested buyer? If so, it helps to know these tips on how to revitalize your home's listing. Ask Your Agent If It's A Buyer's Market It is possible that the market has shifted from when you first put it on the market. If there are a lot more sellers than there are buyers looking for a home, it will be a situation that favors the buyer.
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About Me
Getting Real About Real Estate

Buying any piece of real estate is a big undertaking. You need to do your research and know exactly what you're getting into. You also need to hire an attorney, have the place inspected, work with a lender, and collaborate with your real estate agent. When it comes to such a big undertaking like this, it is really important to know what you're doing. So even if you are not planning to buy for a year or two, it is not too late to start learning. Browse the articles on this website to get started, and you'll watch your own knowledge grow.
