If You Find These Features, You'll Find A Luxurious Place To Live

If You Find These Features, You'll Find A Luxurious Place To Live

If You Find These Features, You'll Find A Luxurious Place To Live

26 March 2021
Real Estate, Blog

Finding the right place to live can be so complicated sometimes. Nowadays there are so many options for roof type, cooling type, power type, and so on that getting all the pieces into place and finding the best place for you almost always leaves you wondering what-if about the places you see after you buy. Add the desire for luxury into the search, however, and you automatically narrow the list of places that could be your perfect home. True luxury is not just a sign out in front of a home claiming it's luxury, nor is it an older building that's been given new windows and paint. A luxury home is new (or relatively new) and meets certain standards that let you spend your days worry-free in the home in terms of maintenance and comfort.

Triple-Pane Windows

Triple-pane windows are what you'd think; multi-pane windows with three panes of glass instead of two. If you've had dual-pane windows before, you know how much better they are than single-pane windows; triple-pane windows increase the sound-deadening and insulating effects. Even when a luxury home is on a large estate, there are ambient noises like air traffic, echoes from nearby roads (think traffic sounds echoing up through a canyon in crowded cities like Los Angeles), and even other family members speaking outside. Close the triple-pane windows, and you reduce those sounds inside the house by a tremendous amount.

Adequate Power Supply

Think back to your days of living in not-luxury, when you were renting older apartments that had never been updated. Maybe you plugged something in only for the circuit breakers to keep tripping or had to add up every last watt being used to ensure you didn't overload the circuit to begin with. Now that you're moving into a luxury home, you don't have to worry about that because these homes are built with up-to-date and more-than-adequate wiring. You should have what seems like an excess amount of power because the wiring was planned to be sufficient for years, instead of for just now even though the use of electrical appliances and gadgets keeps increasing.

Flooring Types That Last

If you go into places that are marketed as luxury but that aren't actual luxury homes, like remodeled apartments that threw in some granite countertops and crown molding, you'll see a lot of lower-end laminate flooring that scratches easily or even vinyl tile that was printed to look like laminate flooring. In a home that's actually luxurious, you'll see flooring that is made to last instead. Hardwood is one type, as is stone; those marble floors aren't there for kicks (the stone is durable and easy to wipe off, albeit a little more complicated to care for overall). Carpeting will be stain-resistant and have moisture barriers or anti-mildew padding. In other words, the materials you find will be chosen for their ability to last and to resist damage.

If you find homes with those features, chances are good you're looking at luxury. Other factors still play into the definition, such as the price and the age of the home, but your real estate agent can help you find the right place.

To learn more about luxury homes for sale in your area, contact a real estate agent today.

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