3 Tips On Buying A Low-Upkeep Home In A Cold Climate

3 Tips On Buying A Low-Upkeep Home In A Cold Climate

3 Tips On Buying A Low-Upkeep Home In A Cold Climate

8 September 2020
Real Estate, Blog

While renting an apartment, condo, or house, you may love that you do not have to worry much about upkeep. This will automatically change when you purchase a home, but you can still put time, effort, and planning into buying a house that does not come with high upkeep demands.

Even though living in a cold climate will have more demands than a mild climate, you can still enjoy minimal maintenance needs when you utilize several house-hunting tips.

Corner Lots

During your search for a place to buy, you may come across several corner lots. While you may like the unique qualities that come with most corner lots, you will likely find it worth avoiding them because they often have a lot more sidewalk that you need to maintain all year long.

Whenever you get snowfall during winter, you must go through the process of shoveling the snow away to make sure the sidewalk stays walkable for neighbors and pedestrians. You may even want to keep up with salting the sidewalk to make it harder for melted snow to turn into ice.

Fortunately, you should not have a problem finding homes for sale in the middle of a street in which you only need to worry about maintaining a small stretch of sidewalk.


Some homes that you find will have a driveway in the front of the property that often leads to an attached garage. This kind of home requires that you continuously maintain the driveway because you will be walking and driving on it throughout the year. A more preferable option is purchasing a home with a detached garage in the back and without a driveway at all.

Getting a garage is worthwhile because you can park your car there all year long, which will come in handy during winter as you will not have to worry about cleaning snow off your vehicle.


Analyzing each landscape is a smart move because you may want to avoid properties with a lot of nonnative plants that demand a lot of care throughout the year. Ideally, you want to start each winter without much winterizing required, which means you should demand native plants.

Another great idea to enjoy minimal upkeep is prioritizing small to medium-sized properties because this will prevent you from having to take care of an enormous landscape.

With these priorities, you can buy a house in a cold climate with full confidence knowing that you are going to get one with minimal maintenance demands.

If you're ready to buy a house, reach out to a real estate agent that can help you find single-family homes.

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Getting Real About Real Estate

Buying any piece of real estate is a big undertaking. You need to do your research and know exactly what you're getting into. You also need to hire an attorney, have the place inspected, work with a lender, and collaborate with your real estate agent. When it comes to such a big undertaking like this, it is really important to know what you're doing. So even if you are not planning to buy for a year or two, it is not too late to start learning. Browse the articles on this website to get started, and you'll watch your own knowledge grow.
