Tips For Moving Your Parent To A One-Bedroom Senior Apartment

Tips For Moving Your Parent To A One-Bedroom Senior Apartment

Tips For Moving Your Parent To A One-Bedroom Senior Apartment

29 July 2020
Real Estate, Blog

Has the time come for your elderly parent to move out of his or her home and into a senior apartment? Moving to a senior apartment is a safe move, as these units offer assistance to the residents and other benefits, but making a move is not always a simple task. If you are trying to move your parent into a senior unit, here are some tips that might help you.

Choose the Right Unit

The first step in moving an elderly parent is searching for the right unit to rent. Older adults are often hesitant to move out of their family homes and into apartments, yet this is often a helpful step. If you can find the right unit for your parent, he or she might be more willing to cooperate with the move.

You can schedule appointments to see several one bedroom senior apartments as you search for the right one, and it can help you to ask questions about the perks, amenities, and features of the units.

For example, you may want to ask about safety features. You might also want to ask about the types of assistance the residents can access. You can also inquire about transportation services, as some senior complexes offer these to the residents. Learn as much as you can about the units and pick the best one for your parent. Involving your parent in this decision is always a smart move, too.

Downsize and Get Rid of Things

One challenge that seniors face when moving to one-bedroom units is downsizing. If your parent is still living in the family house, he or she might have lots of things. Your parent will not be able to bring all these things with when moving to a one-bedroom unit, so you will need to help them downsize.

Downsizing is difficult for seniors, as they often do not want to get rid of things. Yet, it is also an essential step when moving into a senior apartment. You can help your parent determine what to bring, and you might want to write down the dimensions of the apartment to ensure that you can fit everything you bring.

If your parent has trouble getting rid of things, you could store the things in a storage unit instead of donating them or throwing them away.

If you have questions about senior apartments, contact a property management firm that offers them. You can ask questions and schedule viewings of apartments while talking to a property manager.

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