Searching Ranch Home Listings? 3 Popular Home Style Options

Searching Ranch Home Listings? 3 Popular Home Style Options

Searching Ranch Home Listings? 3 Popular Home Style Options

16 June 2020
Real Estate, Blog

It is easy to assume that a ranch-style home is nothing more than a one-story family home. However, while this feature is often a defining one for this style of home, not all ranch-style homes are the same. As you search through listings to find the home you are looking for, learn more about some of the different ranch styles available to make sure you know exactly what to look for.

1. Split-Level Ranch

Split-level ranch homes are an awesome option for families. With this ranch-style home, the living areas of the house are split between three levels. Generally, the kitchen, dining room, and living room are on one level; the bedrooms are on another; and a den, office, and other rooms are on a separate level. 

If you do not want the work that comes with maintaining a traditional multi-story home but believe your family would benefit more from a spread-out living space, keep this home design style in mind as you search through listings. 

2. California Ranch

In terms of luxury, a California ranch home is typically at the top of the list. California ranch homes get their name from their vast and open design, similar to the characteristics of its namesake's state. Not only are these homes luxurious in terms of size, but their U-shaped design leaves plenty of opportunity for creating a unique outdoor living space. 

Given the U-shaped design, many of these homes have courtyards that can be accessed from either side of the U-design. If you are searching for listings in a warm climate, this style of a ranch home is great as it will offer plenty of opportunities to enjoy time outside from the privacy of your own home.

3. Raised Ranch

It is easy to confuse a raised ranch home with a split-level home, but the two designs are quite different. With this design, the house is split between two levels. The entryway is on the ground level and typically only features a small foyer space. On each side of the foyer is a set of steps that either go upstairs or downstairs. 

The living spaces of the home are then split between these two levels. A concern with this ranch design is that the home can feel quite small and restricted when you first walk in, as the vastness of the living spaces is not exposed until you either walk upstairs or downstairs. It is also worth noting that this ranch style has declined some in popularity so it might be a challenge to find a new listing with the design.

It is always a good idea to work with an agent. Once you determine what type of ranch-style home you like, an agent will work to search listings that meet your specific needs. Ask them about ranch property listings.  

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