Energy-Efficient Tips For Your Custom Home

Energy-Efficient Tips For Your Custom Home

Energy-Efficient Tips For Your Custom Home

17 April 2020
Real Estate, Blog

If you are building a custom home, then you have the unique opportunity to ensure that it is both environmentally friendly and energy-efficient. The following are just a few ways you can design with energy efficiency in mind.

Choose the Right Orientation

Positioning your home properly to the sun and direction of wind exposure helps decrease energy costs. Orientation is one of the main features of passive solar design. Generally, you want large windows to face the direction of sun exposure for warmth in the winter, while you want fewer windows on the side of the house that receives cold winter winds. You also need to consider airflow through the home from the prevailing summer breeze. Your builder can help survey the site to determine the best orientation for energy efficiency.

Opt for Compact Design

Large, sprawling homes are more likely to suffer energy loss from wasted space and poor insulation. A compact home can be heated and cooled much more efficiently. Of course, compact doesn't have to mean cramped. Instead, consider eliminating only unnecessary spaces from your design, such as large foyers, long hallways, and lofted ceilings in all but the main living room.

Install Efficient Windows and Doors

A lot of energy is lost through windows and doors, as opposed to walls where thick insulation layers are possible. If you are going to splurge on any one item for your custom home, the windows and doors are worth it. Insulated windows block more cold from entering through the glass in winter. Windows with UV coatings can also help prevent thermal heat gain in summer. Instead of flimsy hollow steel doors, consider insulated doors or thick wood doors with proper seals.

Upgrade Lighting and Appliances

After heating and cooling, lights and appliances are probably the biggest energy hogs in your home. You can opt for LED light fixtures that mimic daylight bulbs in every single room of your house. Not only do LEDs use less energy, but they also last longer so your replacement costs are lower. As for the appliances, look beyond features and appearances to find the most energy-efficient models that meet both your needs and your budget.

Consider Alternative Energy Sources

There is no need to go completely off-grid in order to reap the benefits of alternative energy in your custom-built home. Integrated solar panels can provide some of your home's electricity needs on sunny days, and in some cases, you can save further by selling excess solar energy back to the power company. Small rooftop wind turbines are another alternative energy option that is available for new custom homes.

Contact a custom home builder for more help.

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